Contract Events

The DomainSale smart contract emits a number of events to allow listenres to provide full information about the current state of domains for sale and under auction. The events emitted are as follows:


This event is emitted when an offer transaction is received. The event emits the following parameters:

  • seller the address selling the domain (this is indexed)
  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if the offer is on mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)
  • price the fixed price at which the domain can be purchased immediately (if this is 0 it means that this domain cannot be purchased immediately)
  • reserve the lowest acceptable bid at which the domain will enter auction (if this is 0 it means that this domain cannot be purchased at auction)


This event is emitted when a bid transaction is received. The event emits the following parameters:

  • bidder the address making the bid (this is indexed)
  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if the bid is on mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)
  • bid the bid that was made


This event is emitted when a cancel transaction is received. The event emits the following parameters:

  • seller the address selling the domain (this is indexed)
  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if the cancellation is on mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)


This event is emitted when a domain is transferred, after either a buy or a finish transaction is received. The event emits the following parameters:

  • seller the address of the domain seller (this is indexed)
  • buyer the address to of the domain buyer (this is indexed)
  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if the domain transferred is mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)
  • value the amount that the buyer paid to buy the domain