The DomainSale Contract

This section is for developers wishing to build their own tools using the DomainSale smart contract. If you have a question about the DomainSale contract not answered here please direct it to the DomainSale Gittter.

The address of the DomainSale contract can be found in ENS at 'domainsale.eth'. This domain also contains the ABI of the DomainSale contract. It is recommended that access to the contract is carried out via the name rather than the address, in case the address is updated for any reason.

Note that prior to selling a domain the ownership of that domain's deed must be transferred to DomainSale. Transferring a domain to the DomainSale contract involves a call to the ENS registrar's' transfer function. The address to which the domain should be transferred is the address of the DomainSale contract, as described above.

For more details about the ENS registrar please see the ENS documentation.

Carrying out actions with the DomainSale Contract


To offer a domain for sale by the DomainSale contract a call to DomainSale's offer function is required. The offer function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were offering mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)
  • price the fixed price at which the domain can be purchased immediately (if you do not want a fixed price sale then set this to 0)
  • reserve the lowest acceptable bid at which the domain will enter auction (if you do not want an auction sale then set this to 0)
  • referrer the referrer for this sale. This address will receive 5% of the final sale price of the domain regardless of the method with which it is sold (unless a subsequent offer for the same domain is made with a different referrer).

This function must be called from the account that put the name up for sale.

Multiple offer function calls can be made to change the price if required, but note that this is only possible if the domain auction has yet to start.


To cancel a domain sale by the DomainSale contract and return the deed to the previous owner a call to DomainSale's cancel function is required. The cancel function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were offering mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This function must be called from the account that put the name up for sale.

Note that cancelling a domain sale is not possible once a domain has received a valid bid or buy.


To buy a domain offered for sale with a fixed price a call to DomainSale's buy function is required. The buy function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were buying mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)
  • referrer the referrer for this purchase. This address will receive 5% of the purchase price of the domain

The buy function transfers the domain's deed to the buyer and the funds to the seller.


To bid for a domain offered for sale by auction a call to DomainSale's bid function is required. The bid function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were bidding on mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)
  • referrer the referrer for this bid. This address will receive 5% of the purchase price of the domain if this is the winning bid


To finish an auction for a domain offered for sale a call to DomainSale's finish function is required. The finish function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were offering mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

The finish function transfers the domain's deed to the winning bidder and the funds to the seller.


To withdraw any outstanding funds from losing bids a call to DomainSale's withdraw function is required.

Obtaining information with the DomainSale Contract


To find out if a domain can be bought using fixed price purchase a call to DomainSale's isBuyable function is required. The isBuyable function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were checking mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This will return true if the domain can be bought using fixed price purchase; otherwise false.


To find out the purchase price for a domain a call to DomainSale's price function is required. The result of this call is only valid if isBuyable returns true. The price function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were checking mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This will return the value that must be paid to purchase the domain.


To find out if a domain can be bought at auction a call to DomainSale's isAuction function is required. The isAuction function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were checking mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This will return true if the domain can be bought at auction; otherwise false.


To find out when a domain's auction started a call to DomainSale's auctionStarted function is required. The result of this call is only valid if isAuction returns true. The auctionStarted function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were checking mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This will return a timestamp for when the auction started. If 0 then it means that this auction has not yet started.


To find out when a domain's auction ends a call to DomainSale's auctionEnds function is required. The result of this call is only valid if isAuction returns true. The auctionEnds function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were checking mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This will return a timestamp for when the auction ends. If 0 it means that this auction has not yet started.


To find out the minimum bid for a domain's auction ends a call to DomainSale's minimumBid function is required. The result of this call is only valid if isAuction returns true. The minimumBid function has the following parameters:

  • name the name of the domain, minus the .eth ending (so for example if you were checking mydomain.eth this would be mydomain)

This will return a value for the minimum acceptable bid.


To find out the returnable balance for an address due to losing bids at auction a call to DomainSale's balance function is required.

This will return a value for the balance that will be returned the next time a buy, bid or withdraw function is called.